Friday, April 22, 2011

Budget Idea: Divert Money From Prisons to Schools

With a quarter of the world’s prisoners in American lockups, an unlikely coalition ranging from the NAACP to Americans for Tax Reform wonders if we might be smarter to divert some of that prison money to schools.

How Did Students Become Academically Adrift?

“Academically Adrift,” a new book on the failures of higher education, finds that undergrads don’t study, and professors don’t make them.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Clarity Not Always the Best for Learning

Impediments to easy understanding — hard-to-read fonts, hard-to-follow lectures and lessons that are all too soon forgotten — may be the key to really learning something.

... clarity is a hallmark of truly excellent teaching. There’s just one problem: It may not be true.

According to growing mountain of research, understanding isn’t enough. It’s the struggle that makes us learn. By making things too clear, teachers can inadvertently prevent students from learning. I explain below that teachers shouldn’t exactly be unclear either. But first, here’s some evidence.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Guns On Campuses

Arizona House Passes Bill Allowing Guns On Campuses

7 States Considering Allowing Guns On College Campuses

5 Things That Should Be Allowed On College Campuses Before Guns

College students get caught with all sorts of things they're not supposed to have -- alcohol, drugs, plagiarized papers... And up until now, guns would have been considered contraband, too. But at least seven states are currently considering revised policies that would allow professors and/or students to carry licensed firearms on campus. That's right: guns on campus. Whatever side of the issue you favor, it seems like there are some clearer risk vs. reward policies that states should amend first. Here are five.

(1) Christmas Trees

Some Oklahoma legislators think Sooner state students need guns. But what about garlands? Oklahoma State University strictly prohibits live Christmas trees in dorms, suites, apartments and corridors. In 2005, there were more than 30,000 U.S. deaths associated with firearms. In 2002, Christmas tree fires killed 23 people. Just sayin'.

(2) Waterbeds

New Mexico officials are big on arms support, but less concerned with therapeutic support for backs. Specifically, New Mexico State University doesn't want any waterbeds on the premises, which makes sense when you consider how pristine and plush the carpets are in most college apartments. Because undergrads are always taking off their shoes at the front door, investing in extra Scotchgard and avoiding activities that might precipitate spillage.




Financial Aid Facebook App? Program Promises to Help You Find Money For College

Education Will Bring Societies Together -- We Can't Depend on Governmental Diplomacy Alone

How ironic that in a time of rapidly increasing connectivity around the globe, we are still so far from understanding other cultures, especially those that observe religions and traditions different from our own. How unsettling to observe fear and, often, hate and to sense the widening chasm between Americans and people with whom we need to find common ground and common cause if there is to be any chance of a peaceful future.

Colleges Spend Less On Education Than They Say: Study

Think you're paying too much for college? You may be right, according to a new study that finds that most students spend more on their education than it is actually worth.

What does a for-profit education really look like?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Why Great Teachers Quit

Teenage drug and alcohol abuse skyrockets

Teenage drug and alcohol abuse skyrockets
After years in decline, more U.S. kids are partying with drugs and alcohol, starting as early as age 12

Survey: Teen substance abuse on the rise
A new survey reveals that substance abuse among young people is increasing, including alcohol, marijuana and ecstasy. Ben Tracy reports